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Beside quantity measurement, metering systems often require sampling systems.

The sampling system takes samples of a flow line for analysis in a laboratory. The systems can be supplied as loose package or integrated in your metering system. In-field analysers can be added for live analysis of the flow, including water content, density, viscosity and more. 

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Our expertise

Grab sampling

ODS metering systems insert-type flow-proportional grab sampling systems—the most cost-effective solution for your sampling needs. These systems are the ideal choice for operations with intermittent schedules, as maintenance can be performed between shifts, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum efficiency.

Fast Loop Sampling

Fast-Loop Sampling Systems are often used when measurement systems are in 24/7 continuous operation, such as pipeline metering systems. The sample extractor works flow proportional and the functionality can fully be integrated in the Metering Control System. ODS is expert in quantity and quality measurement and offers the best suitable sampling solution for your application.

Gas Sampling & Analysing

Discover the power of ODS Metering Systems for online hydrocarbon composition analysis using gas chromatography. Complementing this real-time analysis, our systems seamlessly integrate manual or automatic sampling for detailed laboratory analysis.

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